
Showing posts from August, 2008

Steely Dan concert at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga

Last night, Sunday, I went to one of the best venues in the San Francisco Bay Area - The Mountain Winery , originally started by Paul Masson in 1852. Concerts are hosted outdoors amid oak casks facing the historic stone-masonry Winery building. You can see the entire Silicon Valley glistening bellow. It was my first time seeing Steely Dan live and the concert was both so cool and so sad for me since some of the songs were sung to me by the love of my life while driving around last year, it has been exactly one year since I met her. I enjoyed her company and talent for brief 8 months and it all ended by the biggest mistake I made in my life. Four months later I am a totally different person, but alas alone. One of the best songs - Hey Nineteen, Then there was another hit "Kid Charlemagne", great vocals by trio of black ladies making the sound of the band really cool. Fantastic drummer and horns section, I loved it, too bad I never listened to them more. Thank you Ruby!

Вино от Сливен - хит в Калифорния

"Традиция от Стария свят за вкусовете на Новия" е рекламният слогон на единствените вносители на български вина в Калифорния - Bulgarian Master Vintners. Българският емигрант Ванс Петрунов не страда от национален комплекс за малоценност и не му липсва дързост да предложи родното вино в сърцето на американската винарска индустрия. Ако не можеш да започнеш бизнес с вино там, където традициите са най-силни, то не би трябвало да се захващаш с това изобщо, твърди президентът на Bulgarian Master Vintners специално за Businessweek България. Според него, ако човек иска да продава автомобили, отива в Детройт, а ако произвежда компютри, се насочва към Силиконовата долина. И така Ванс Петрунов започва да внася вина от България преди 12 години и се установява в Сонома, на 15 минути път от Вълчата къща на Джек Лондон и на няколко преки от най-старата винарна в Калифорния - Buena Vista. През 1995 научава как Домейн Бояр продава над 2.5 млн. каси вино във Великобритания за период от една го...

Gene Burns' weekly Dining Around program on KGO/ABC radio

I was privileged to be interviewed by Gene Burns last Saturday at noon on the most popular wine & dine radio show in the San Francisco Bay Area. You can listen to the podcast and hear Gene and I talking about Bulgaria and its wines if you click on the link bellow. The Dining Around with Gene Burns program, focusing on Food, Wine and Travel, is broadcast live each Saturday, 10am-1pm on the Bay Area’s number one rated KGO-AM810. The Gene Burns Talk program is broadcast five nights a week, 7-10pm. If you would like to listen outside of our broadcast area these programs are webcast in real time on Since May of 1995, Burns has hosted the number one rated, and ever popular food, wine and travel program, Dining Around with Gene Burns, on Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm.