
Showing posts from September, 2010

Wine Advocate Reviews – current issue, #190 Aug 2010

Wine Advocate Reviews – current issue, #190 Aug 2010 This lineup from Targovishte, and its sister winery, Vini, some drinking values that consumers should find attractive as it is hard to play in this price category these days. As a bonus, they are generally relatively low in alcohol, usually around 12%. What don’t they do? First, I think all of them will tend to drink best on the young and fresh side, however long they hold, which is not a major criticism in this price range. Second, they do sometimes have some typicity issues—that is, they do not always remind me much of the most common styles for which the grapes are best known. Once past that, though, they hold up quite nicely as wines. Vintage Wine Name Rating Maturity Price 2009 Targovishte Sauvignon Blanc 86 Mature $9 The 2009 SAUVIGNON BLANC from Targovishte has more intensity and solidity than its sister Sauv Blanc revie...