Tacama Winery, in Peru was a good find

Tacama Vineyard has an area of about 200 hectares (494 acres) and is located in the Valley of Ica, a fertile oasis surrounded by desert. It is situated 300 kilometers from Lima the capital of Perú, and 50 kilometers from the coast, it is 400 meters above sea level. Tacama uses both French technology and receives advice from French experts.
Tacama has won several awards in international shows.
International Experts have classified Tacama's wines as being of worldclass quality.

Professor Max Rives, emeritus Director of the French Agriculture Research Institute, says about the Tacama vineyard: “This region is suitable for producing wines under exceptional conditions … thanks to the characteristics of its climate and soil”. “This allows wines of a characteristic, inalterable type, to be obtained with a quality compared only to the products of the best wine producing countries in the world”, he adds.


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