VINI Pinot Noir reviewed by The Washington Post 5 wines to try By Dave McIntyre , Published: February 26 Recommendations ★★★Exceptional ★★Excellent ★Very Good Prices are approximate. Check to verify availability, or ask a favorite wine store to order through a distributor. Here are five interesting wines to try, including the 2013 Virginia Governor’s Cup winner , an unusual wine from Oregon and some inexpensive bargains from France and Bulgaria. — D.M. Vini Veni Vidi Vici Pinot Noir 2010 ★ 1 / 2 Danube River Plains, Bulgaria, $10 Decent pinot noir is almost impossible to find for a mere Hamilton, but this stunner shows true pinot character — if you coax it out with a little time and a whirl in your glass. This label also produces a nice cabernet sauvignon and a serviceable merlot, both from the Thracian Valley. A...